Venue Info

Covid-19 Disclaimer

Venue: The Forum Music Studios LTD


Covid–19, often referred to as coronavirus (“Covid-19”), is an infectious disease that can result in serious and potentially fatal illness. There is a risk of the transmission of Covid–19 in any environment where people come together. This risk increases in enclosed spaces and with increased numbers of people. The World Health Organisation has advised that the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions are more vulnerable.

Upon entering the Venue, you assume all risk associated with Covid-19 (unless in anyway caused by the negligence of the Venue Provider). You also agree to: 

• Abide by all government guidance aimed at preventing the transmission of the virus (further details of which can be accessed via the following link: https://; and

• Follow all directions provided by staff members and set out on the signage within the Forum Music Studios.

You must not enter the Venue if you believe that you may have been infected with Covid-19. By entering the Venue, you are confirming your agreement to the above terms and the following additional matters:

1) you acknowledge:

a) the contagious nature of Covid-19 and that Public Health England and many other public health authorities still recommend practising social distancing and you agree to do so at the Venue [and wear a mask if legally required by government guidelines at the time of the event]

b) the Venue Provider has put in place preventative measures at the Venue to reduce the spread of Covid-19

c) the Venue Provider cannot guarantee that you will not become infected with Covid-19 and you further understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by Covid-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of yourself and others around you

d) that you have voluntarily attended the Venue at your own risk and that you are increasing your risk of exposure to Covid-19

e) that you must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending

2) You confirm that: 

a) you are not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell

b) you do not believe you have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of Covid-19

c) you have not been diagnosed with Covid-19 and are not awaiting the results of a test from a public health authority or private laboratory which might confirm you are infected

d) you are following all government guidelines as much as possible and limiting your exposure to Covid-19

e) you will not seek to bring a claim against the Venue Provider in the event that you contract Covid-19 unless you have reasonable grounds to believe the Venue Provider was responsible for its contraction through its own negligent act or omission

Failure to comply with the above measures or upon the Venue ascertaining that any of the above statements 2) (a)-(h) are untrue (as applicable) shall entitle the Venue to eject you from the event.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Opening Times

Monday        3.00pm – 10.00pm
Tuesday        9.30am – 11.00pm
Wednesday   9.30am – 11.00pm
Thursday       9.30am – 11.00pm
Friday            9.30am – Midnight
Saturday       9.30am – Midnight
Sunday         Open for music school only

Admission & ID

  • ID Requirements
    The Forum Music Centre operates on a challenge 21 policy therefore if you appear to be under 21 you will be asked for ID to purchase alcohol or gain entry to over 18 events. Valid forms or ID include a current driving license (provisional or full) and a current Passport. We can only accept original documents. For certain events, age verification wrist bands will be issued so staff can quickly identify who is over 18 or not.
  • Under 18's
    Under 18’s are permitted for using the facilities such as cafe/bar during daytime hours. Under 18’s can also use the venue in evening hours however only if using the facilities such as the rehearsal rooms or getting music tuition.
  • Under 18's at Events
    Depending on the event (Please see age restriction on each event) a restricted number of 16 and 17 year olds are permitted to attend live gigs as long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. There must be one guardian per young person in attendance. Tickets must be booked in advance and the name plus age of person must be stated at time of booking.
  • Smoking Area
    There is a smoking area at the back of the building near the car park, smoking is not permitted outside the front of the building. Please use the smoking bins provided to extinguish cigarettes.
  • Drugs Policy
    The Forum Music Centre operates a zero tolerance on drugs, anyone found in possession or under the influence of drugs will be ejected from the venue immediately and no refund given.
  • Coming and Going
    Please be aware that we are located in a residential area and as such we ask that you respect our neighbours and the environment when you enter and exit the venue and do not leave litter or make excess noise.
  • Cameras and Recording
    For the satisfaction of other customers large iPads and/or tablet devices are not permitted to photograph or film during any performances. Customers who persist may be asked to leave the venue.

    Photography, videography or audio recording for commercial gain are not permitted in the venue unless permission from the venue has been granted in advance. The venue will also require permission from the band/artist or notification from the band/artist that a photographer will be accompanying them. Cameras and mobile phones are allowed unless specified on the day of the show.

How To Find Us

Our Address is
The Forum Music Centre
Borough Road

What3Words: ///weeks.home.ports

We are located on the corner or Brunswick Street and Borough Road just a few minutes walk from the town centre and 5 minutes walk from Darlington train station.

For the latest Train Times and Prices please visit


Ticket Pricing

Please see our Events Listings for ticket pricing, we aim to try to run events that fit everyone’s budget.

Drinks Pricing

Click Here to download a sample of our drinks menu.
(Please note this is just a sample of some of the more popular products that we sell)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there parking at the venue?
    Yes, there is a small car park at the rear of the venue, on event nights this fills up quickly so please be prepared to park elsewhere. There is also on street parking all around the venue and also a large car park just down the road.
  • What payment types do you accept?
    We accept cash and card including mobile payments such as Apple Pay, GooglePay etc.
  • Is the venue seated or standing?
    The majority of our live music events are standing only, with notable exceptions being the Hilarity Bites Comedy Club and Darlington Film Club that are seated. Darlington RnB Club events are mostly seated with some standing room at the back.
    Please check the details on each event as to whether the event is standing or seated.
  • For seated events can I reserve a seat or table?
    Generally no, but for larger parties we may set aside a table to ensure minimum disruption.
  • I'm unable to stand for the duration of the event, can I have a seat?
    If it’s for medical reasons then we will do our utmost to accommodate you. To help us do this please request a seat at the time of booking and let us know when you arrive at the venue. We generally provide bar stools which will keep you at the same height as everyone else but if you need a low seat then please let us know.
  • I have a personal assistant do they need to buy a ticket?
    We have limited tickets available for Personal Assistants. These tickets are at no cost for Deaf or disabled customers who require the support of a PA to attend our venue. Please book in advance by contacting our venue directly. Please note we may ask for evidence to support your request for a PA ticket.
    Please note as we also work with 3rd party promoters and this policy may not apply to all events.
  • What is the online booking fee?
    For online bookings we charge a small fee of 50p per ticket, this is to help cover service fee’s and the costs of producing tickets.
    This does not apply when buying over the phone or from The Forum Reception.
  • I'm no longer able to attend the event, can I get a refund on my ticket?
    Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds on tickets, if you have a ticket for an event you can no longer attend please get in touch with us and if the event sells out we may be able to sell it on for you or swap it for a different event. Please note this is on a case by case basis and we cannot guarantee this. Refunds will only be offered if the event is cancelled or you have previously purchased tickets for an event that has been rescheduled that you can no longer make. Booking fees are non refundable.
  • I've lost my ticket?
    Don’t worry, get in touch with us and we can resend your ticket. If you’re just about to head to the event and can’t find your ticket then please just come down and speak to the person on the door and we scan you in, please avoid this is possible to help keep the entry running smoothly.
  • I bought my ticket online and didn't receive my E-Ticket
    Check your junk/spam email folder, if it’s not there then drop us an email and we’ll resend it. Also to help please add [email protected] to your emails Whitelist / Approved Sender List.
  • Will the gig be loud?
    Probably, we will always try our best to keep the decibel/noise levels to a safe and comfortable level but some events may be louder than others depending on a number of factors.
    Disposable ear plugs are available to purchase from the bar if required and we recommend taking regular breaks away from loud noise levels in our bar area.
  • Will there be strobe lighting?
    The majority of our shows will contain strobe lighting and smoke effects. If you have any concerns please speak to a member of the technical staff before the show starts.
  • Do you have a cloak room?
    No,  but a coat rack is available for customers to use in our bar area.
    Please note all items are left at your own risk and we cannot be held responsible for the loss of any items left.